Feb 11, 2011

Dry skin?

Feeling your skin a little dry after washing you face with regular soap that has nooo vitamins or nutrients for a radiant glowy feel? Your worries and dryness stops here!
lol ( I sound like an advertisement!)
No seriously, with just some natural ingredients you will feel it the moment you wash your face!
the first thing you need is honey. Honey? Yes honey! 
who knew how much nutrition for your skin is in honey!
Honey promotes new tissue growth. Before pasteurization, honey contains bee pollen, propolis, and other components that stimulate the growth of new skin. It contains mild alpha hydroxide acids, such as gluconic acid. These acids are very safe to use on skin and can loosen bonds between the dead skin cells, making it easier to shed this dead layer. These acids also increase elasticity, balance out oily skin, stimulate collagen production, and minimize lines and wrinkles, making you look younger.
Honey helps the skin hold moisture in. Honey contains amino acids, which help the skin retain its essential moisture. In addition, the sugar content in honey makes it an excellent humanistic.
You can even try a honey mask as well! For this you can use any type of honey they are honestly all the same, We are also going to be using some sugar, you can also use brown sugar or just regular sugar.
along with some olive oil and I would go with any type of olive oil as well. It could be extra virgin, virgin or just olive oil it self. As long as its a teaspoon!
Olive oil will give moisture as well as the honey locks it in. What the sugar is going to do is help you scrub away all those dead skin cells that build up and causes the skin to feel irritated (dry)
So, lets get started! with the sugar you at least need 3 tablespoons full, just a spoon full of sugar (helps the medicine go down hehe!) and a teaspoon of the olive oil. You want to go ahead and mix them all together in your bowl or cup I usually use a cup. you can apply it anyway you want with a spoon or even a foundation brush I just prefer my hands. Once you have it all over your face start the scrubbin! For about 20 to 30 seconds. This is all your going to need to feel that radiant glow come threw! Once you are all done scrubbing wash away everything with warm water and with a towel, tap your face till dried. 
Do you feel the power of softness and smooth on your skin? :)
You can do this once a week at night so that when your sleeping your pores can open up and breathe easy!

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